Hough Transform
// classes class cv::cuda::HoughCirclesDetector; class cv::cuda::HoughLinesDetector; class cv::cuda::HoughSegmentDetector; // global functions Ptr<GeneralizedHoughBallard> cv::cuda::createGeneralizedHoughBallard(); Ptr<GeneralizedHoughGuil> cv::cuda::createGeneralizedHoughGuil(); Ptr<HoughCirclesDetector> cv::cuda::createHoughCirclesDetector( float dp, float minDist, int cannyThreshold, int votesThreshold, int minRadius, int maxRadius, int maxCircles = 4096 ); Ptr<HoughLinesDetector> cv::cuda::createHoughLinesDetector( float rho, float theta, int threshold, bool doSort = false, int maxLines = 4096 ); Ptr<HoughSegmentDetector> cv::cuda::createHoughSegmentDetector( float rho, float theta, int minLineLength, int maxLineGap, int maxLines = 4096 );
Detailed Documentation
Global Functions
Ptr<GeneralizedHoughBallard> cv::cuda::createGeneralizedHoughBallard()
Creates implementation for generalized hough transform from [3].
Ptr<GeneralizedHoughGuil> cv::cuda::createGeneralizedHoughGuil()
Creates implementation for generalized hough transform from [35].
Ptr<HoughCirclesDetector> cv::cuda::createHoughCirclesDetector( float dp, float minDist, int cannyThreshold, int votesThreshold, int minRadius, int maxRadius, int maxCircles = 4096 )
Creates implementation for cuda::HoughCirclesDetector.
dp | Inverse ratio of the accumulator resolution to the image resolution. For example, if dp=1 , the accumulator has the same resolution as the input image. If dp=2 , the accumulator has half as big width and height. |
minDist | Minimum distance between the centers of the detected circles. If the parameter is too small, multiple neighbor circles may be falsely detected in addition to a true one. If it is too large, some circles may be missed. |
cannyThreshold | The higher threshold of the two passed to Canny edge detector (the lower one is twice smaller). |
votesThreshold | The accumulator threshold for the circle centers at the detection stage. The smaller it is, the more false circles may be detected. |
minRadius | Minimum circle radius. |
maxRadius | Maximum circle radius. |
maxCircles | Maximum number of output circles. |
Ptr<HoughLinesDetector> cv::cuda::createHoughLinesDetector( float rho, float theta, int threshold, bool doSort = false, int maxLines = 4096 )
Creates implementation for cuda::HoughLinesDetector.
rho | Distance resolution of the accumulator in pixels. |
theta | Angle resolution of the accumulator in radians. |
threshold | Accumulator threshold parameter. Only those lines are returned that get enough votes (\(>\texttt{threshold}\)). |
doSort | Performs lines sort by votes. |
maxLines | Maximum number of output lines. |
Ptr<HoughSegmentDetector> cv::cuda::createHoughSegmentDetector( float rho, float theta, int minLineLength, int maxLineGap, int maxLines = 4096 )
Creates implementation for cuda::HoughSegmentDetector.
rho | Distance resolution of the accumulator in pixels. |
theta | Angle resolution of the accumulator in radians. |
minLineLength | Minimum line length. Line segments shorter than that are rejected. |
maxLineGap | Maximum allowed gap between points on the same line to link them. |
maxLines | Maximum number of output lines. |