class Poco::Net::HTTPAuthenticationParams
Collection of name-value pairs of HTTP authentication header (i.e. More…
#include <HTTPAuthenticationParams.h> class HTTPAuthenticationParams: public Poco::Net::NameValueCollection { public: // fields static const std::string REALM; static const std::string WWW_AUTHENTICATE; static const std::string PROXY_AUTHENTICATE; // construction HTTPAuthenticationParams(); HTTPAuthenticationParams(const std::string& authInfo); HTTPAuthenticationParams(const HTTPRequest& request); HTTPAuthenticationParams( const HTTPResponse& response, const std::string& header = WWW_AUTHENTICATE ); // methods HTTPAuthenticationParams& operator=(const HTTPAuthenticationParams& authParams); void fromAuthInfo(const std::string& authInfo); void fromRequest(const HTTPRequest& request); void fromResponse( const HTTPResponse& response, const std::string& header = WWW_AUTHENTICATE ); void setRealm(const std::string& realm); const std::string& getRealm() const; std::string toString() const; };
Inherited Members
public: // typedefs typedef Poco::ListMap<std::string, std::string> HeaderMap; typedef HeaderMap::Iterator Iterator; typedef HeaderMap::ConstIterator ConstIterator; // methods NameValueCollection& operator=(const NameValueCollection& nvc); void swap(NameValueCollection& nvc); const std::string& operator[](const std::string& name) const; void set( const std::string& name, const std::string& value ); void add( const std::string& name, const std::string& value ); const std::string& get(const std::string& name) const; const std::string& get( const std::string& name, const std::string& defaultValue ) const; bool has(const std::string& name) const; ConstIterator find(const std::string& name) const; ConstIterator begin() const; ConstIterator end() const; bool empty() const; std::size_t size() const; void erase(const std::string& name); void clear();
Detailed Documentation
Collection of name-value pairs of HTTP authentication header (i.e.
“realm”, “qop”, “nonce” in case of digest authentication header).
Creates an empty authentication parameters collection.
HTTPAuthenticationParams(const std::string& authInfo)
See fromAuthInfo() documentation.
HTTPAuthenticationParams(const HTTPRequest& request)
See fromRequest() documentation.
HTTPAuthenticationParams( const HTTPResponse& response, const std::string& header = WWW_AUTHENTICATE )
See fromResponse() documentation.
HTTPAuthenticationParams& operator=(const HTTPAuthenticationParams& authParams)
Assigns the content of another HTTPAuthenticationParams.
void fromAuthInfo(const std::string& authInfo)
Creates an HTTPAuthenticationParams by parsing authentication information.
void fromRequest(const HTTPRequest& request)
Extracts authentication information from the request and creates HTTPAuthenticationParams by parsing it.
Throws a NotAuthenticatedException if no authentication information is contained in request. Throws a InvalidArgumentException if authentication scheme is unknown or invalid.
void fromResponse( const HTTPResponse& response, const std::string& header = WWW_AUTHENTICATE )
Extracts authentication information from the response and creates HTTPAuthenticationParams by parsing it.
Throws a NotAuthenticatedException if no authentication information is contained in response. Throws a InvalidArgumentException if authentication scheme is unknown or invalid.
void setRealm(const std::string& realm)
Sets the “realm” parameter to the provided string.
const std::string& getRealm() const
Returns value of the “realm” parameter.
Throws NotFoundException is there is no “realm” set in the HTTPAuthenticationParams.
std::string toString() const
Formats the HTTPAuthenticationParams for inclusion in HTTP request or response authentication header.