class Poco::XML::Element
The Element interface represents an element in an XML document. More…
#include <Element.h> class Element: public Poco::XML::AbstractContainerNode { public: // methods const XMLString& tagName() const; const XMLString& getAttribute(const XMLString& name) const; void setAttribute( const XMLString& name, const XMLString& value ); void removeAttribute(const XMLString& name); Attr* getAttributeNode(const XMLString& name) const; Attr* setAttributeNode(Attr* newAttr); Attr* addAttributeNodeNP( Attr* oldAttr, Attr* newAttr ); Attr* removeAttributeNode(Attr* oldAttr); NodeList* getElementsByTagName(const XMLString& name) const; virtual void normalize(); const XMLString& getAttributeNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ) const; void setAttributeNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& qualifiedName, const XMLString& value ); void removeAttributeNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ); Attr* getAttributeNodeNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ) const; Attr* setAttributeNodeNS(Attr* newAttr); bool hasAttribute(const XMLString& name) const; bool hasAttributeNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ) const; NodeList* getElementsByTagNameNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ) const; virtual const XMLString& namespaceURI() const; virtual XMLString prefix() const; virtual const XMLString& localName() const; virtual bool hasAttributes() const; virtual XMLString innerText() const; Element* getChildElement(const XMLString& name) const; Element* getChildElementNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ) const; Element* getElementById( const XMLString& elementId, const XMLString& idAttribute ) const; Element* getElementByIdNS( const XMLString& elementId, const XMLString& idAttributeURI, const XMLString& idAttributeLocalName ) const; virtual const XMLString& nodeName() const; virtual NamedNodeMap* attributes() const; virtual unsigned short nodeType() const; protected: // construction Element( Document* pOwnerDocument, const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname ); Element( Document* pOwnerDocument, const Element& elem ); // methods virtual Node* copyNode( bool deep, Document* pOwnerDocument ) const; virtual void dispatchNodeRemovedFromDocument(); virtual void dispatchNodeInsertedIntoDocument(); };
Inherited Members
public: // typedefs typedef Poco::XML::NamespaceSupport NSMap; // enums enum { ELEMENT_NODE = 1, ATTRIBUTE_NODE, TEXT_NODE, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, ENTITY_NODE, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, COMMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, NOTATION_NODE, }; // methods void duplicate() const; void release() const; virtual void autoRelease() = 0; virtual void addEventListener( const XMLString& type, EventListener* listener, bool useCapture ) = 0; virtual void removeEventListener( const XMLString& type, EventListener* listener, bool useCapture ) = 0; virtual bool dispatchEvent(Event* evt) = 0; virtual const XMLString& nodeName() const = 0; const XMLString& nodeValue() const; virtual const XMLString& getNodeValue() const = 0; virtual void setNodeValue(const XMLString& value) = 0; virtual unsigned short nodeType() const = 0; virtual Node* parentNode() const = 0; virtual NodeList* childNodes() const = 0; virtual Node* firstChild() const = 0; virtual Node* lastChild() const = 0; virtual Node* previousSibling() const = 0; virtual Node* nextSibling() const = 0; virtual NamedNodeMap* attributes() const = 0; virtual Document* ownerDocument() const = 0; virtual Node* insertBefore( Node* newChild, Node* refChild ) = 0; virtual Node* replaceChild( Node* newChild, Node* oldChild ) = 0; virtual Node* removeChild(Node* oldChild) = 0; virtual Node* appendChild(Node* newChild) = 0; virtual bool hasChildNodes() const = 0; virtual Node* cloneNode(bool deep) const = 0; virtual void normalize() = 0; virtual bool isSupported( const XMLString& feature, const XMLString& version ) const = 0; virtual const XMLString& namespaceURI() const = 0; virtual XMLString prefix() const = 0; virtual const XMLString& localName() const = 0; virtual bool hasAttributes() const = 0; virtual XMLString innerText() const = 0; virtual Node* getNodeByPath(const XMLString& path) const = 0; virtual Node* getNodeByPathNS( const XMLString& path, const NSMap& nsMap ) const = 0; virtual const XMLString& nodeName() const; virtual const XMLString& getNodeValue() const; virtual void setNodeValue(const XMLString& value); virtual Node* parentNode() const; virtual NodeList* childNodes() const; virtual Node* firstChild() const; virtual Node* lastChild() const; virtual Node* previousSibling() const; virtual Node* nextSibling() const; virtual NamedNodeMap* attributes() const; virtual Document* ownerDocument() const; virtual Node* insertBefore( Node* newChild, Node* refChild ); virtual Node* replaceChild( Node* newChild, Node* oldChild ); virtual Node* removeChild(Node* oldChild); virtual Node* appendChild(Node* newChild); virtual bool hasChildNodes() const; virtual Node* cloneNode(bool deep) const; virtual void normalize(); virtual bool isSupported( const XMLString& feature, const XMLString& version ) const; virtual const XMLString& namespaceURI() const; virtual XMLString prefix() const; virtual const XMLString& localName() const; virtual bool hasAttributes() const; virtual void addEventListener( const XMLString& type, EventListener* listener, bool useCapture ); virtual void removeEventListener( const XMLString& type, EventListener* listener, bool useCapture ); virtual bool dispatchEvent(Event* evt); virtual XMLString innerText() const; virtual Node* getNodeByPath(const XMLString& path) const; virtual Node* getNodeByPathNS( const XMLString& path, const NSMap& nsMap ) const; virtual void autoRelease(); virtual Node* firstChild() const; virtual Node* lastChild() const; virtual Node* insertBefore( Node* newChild, Node* refChild ); virtual Node* replaceChild( Node* newChild, Node* oldChild ); virtual Node* removeChild(Node* oldChild); virtual Node* appendChild(Node* newChild); virtual bool hasChildNodes() const; virtual bool hasAttributes() const; virtual Node* getNodeByPath(const XMLString& path) const; virtual Node* getNodeByPathNS( const XMLString& path, const NSMap& nsMap ) const; protected: // fields static const XMLString EMPTY_STRING; // methods virtual Node* copyNode( bool deep, Document* pOwnerDocument ) const = 0; virtual bool events() const; virtual bool eventsSuspended() const; void captureEvent(Event* evt); void bubbleEvent(Event* evt); void dispatchSubtreeModified(); void dispatchNodeInserted(); void dispatchNodeRemoved(); virtual void dispatchNodeRemovedFromDocument(); virtual void dispatchNodeInsertedIntoDocument(); void dispatchAttrModified( Attr* pAttr, MutationEvent::AttrChangeType changeType, const XMLString& prevValue, const XMLString& newValue ); void dispatchCharacterDataModified( const XMLString& prevValue, const XMLString& newValue ); void setOwnerDocument(Document* pOwnerDocument); virtual void dispatchNodeRemovedFromDocument(); virtual void dispatchNodeInsertedIntoDocument(); bool hasAttributeValue( const XMLString& name, const XMLString& value, const NSMap* pNSMap ) const; static const Node* findNode( XMLString::const_iterator& it, const XMLString::const_iterator& end, const Node* pNode, const NSMap* pNSMap ); static const Node* findElement( const XMLString& name, const Node* pNode, const NSMap* pNSMap ); static const Node* findElement( int index, const Node* pNode, const NSMap* pNSMap ); static const Node* findElement( const XMLString& attr, const XMLString& value, const Node* pNode, const NSMap* pNSMap ); static const Attr* findAttribute( const XMLString& name, const Node* pNode, const NSMap* pNSMap ); static bool namesAreEqual( const Node* pNode1, const Node* pNode2, const NSMap* pNSMap ); static bool namesAreEqual( const Node* pNode, const XMLString& name, const NSMap* pNSMap );
Detailed Documentation
The Element interface represents an element in an XML document.
Elements may have attributes associated with them; since the Element interface inherits from Node, the generic Node interface attribute attributes may be used to retrieve the set of all attributes for an element. There are methods on the Element interface to retrieve either an Attr object by name or an attribute value by name. In XML, where an attribute value may contain entity references, an Attr object should be retrieved to examine the possibly fairly complex sub-tree representing the attribute value.
const XMLString& tagName() const
Returns the name of the element.
For example, in
<elementExample id="demo"> ... </elementExample>
tagName has the value “elementExample”. Note that this is case-preserving in XML, as are all of the operations of the DOM.
const XMLString& getAttribute(const XMLString& name) const
Retrieves an attribute value by name.
Returns the attribute’s value, if the attribute exists, or an empty string otherwise.
void setAttribute( const XMLString& name, const XMLString& value )
Adds a new attribute.
If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, its value is changed to be that of the value parameter. This value is a simple string; it is not parsed as it is being set. So any markup (such as syntax to be recognized as an entity reference) is treated as literal text, and needs to be appropriately escaped by the implementation when it is written out.
void removeAttribute(const XMLString& name)
Removes an attribute by name.
Attr* getAttributeNode(const XMLString& name) const
Retrieves an Attr node by name.
Attr* setAttributeNode(Attr* newAttr)
Adds a new attribute.
If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one.
Attr* addAttributeNodeNP( Attr* oldAttr, Attr* newAttr )
For internal use only.
Adds a new attribute after oldAttr. If oldAttr is 0, newAttr is set as first attribute. Returns newAttr. Does not fire any events.
Attr* removeAttributeNode(Attr* oldAttr)
Removes the specified attribute.
NodeList* getElementsByTagName(const XMLString& name) const
Returns a NodeList of all descendant elements with a given tag name, in the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the Element tree.
The special name “*” matches all tags.
The returned NodeList must be released with a call to release() when no longer needed.
virtual void normalize()
Puts all Text nodes in the full depth of the sub-tree underneath this Element, including attribute nodes, into a “normal” form where only markup (e.g., tags, comments, processing instructions, CDATA sections, and entity references) separates Text nodes, i.e., there are no adjacent Text nodes.
This can be used to ensure that the DOM view of a document is the same as if it were saved and re-loaded, and is useful when operations (such as XPointer lookups) that depend on a particular document tree structure are to be used.
Note: In cases where the document contains CDATASections, the normalize operation alone may not be sufficient, since XPointers do not differentiate between Text nodes and CDATASection nodes.
const XMLString& getAttributeNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ) const
Retrieves an attribute value by name.
Returns the attribute’s value, if the attribute exists, or an empty string otherwise.
void setAttributeNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& qualifiedName, const XMLString& value )
Adds a new attribute.
If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, its value is changed to be that of the value parameter.
void removeAttributeNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName )
Removes an attribute by name.
Attr* getAttributeNodeNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ) const
Retrieves an Attr node by name.
Attr* setAttributeNodeNS(Attr* newAttr)
Adds a new attribute.
If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one.
bool hasAttribute(const XMLString& name) const
Returns true if and only if the element has the specified attribute.
bool hasAttributeNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ) const
Returns true if and only if the element has the specified attribute.
NodeList* getElementsByTagNameNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ) const
Returns a NodeList of all the descendant Elements with a given local name and namespace URI in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree.
The special value “*” matches all namespaces, or local names respectively.
The returned NodeList must be released with a call to release() when no longer needed.
virtual const XMLString& namespaceURI() const
Returns the namespace URI of the node.
This is not a computed value that is the result of a namespace lookup based on an examination of the namespace declarations in scope. It is merely the namespace URI given at creation time.
For nodes of any type other than ELEMENT_NODE and ATTRIBUTE_NODE and nodes created with a DOM Level 1 method, such as createElement from the Document interface, this is always the empty string.
virtual XMLString prefix() const
Returns the namespace prefix from the qualified name of the node.
virtual const XMLString& localName() const
Returns the local name of the node.
virtual bool hasAttributes() const
Returns whether this node (if it is an element) has any attributes.
virtual XMLString innerText() const
Returns a string containing the concatenated values of the node and all its child nodes.
This method is not part of the W3C Document Object Model.
Element* getChildElement(const XMLString& name) const
Returns the first child element with the given name, or null if such an element does not exist.
This method is an extension to the W3C Document Object Model.
Element* getChildElementNS( const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName ) const
Returns the first child element with the given namespaceURI and localName, or null if such an element does not exist.
This method is an extension to the W3C Document Object Model.
Element* getElementById( const XMLString& elementId, const XMLString& idAttribute ) const
Returns the first Element whose ID attribute (given in idAttribute) has the given elementId.
If no such element exists, returns null.
This method is an extension to the W3C Document Object Model.
Element* getElementByIdNS( const XMLString& elementId, const XMLString& idAttributeURI, const XMLString& idAttributeLocalName ) const
Returns the first Element whose ID attribute (given in idAttributeURI and idAttributeLocalName) has the given elementId.
If no such element exists, returns null.
This method is an extension to the W3C Document Object Model.
virtual const XMLString& nodeName() const
Returns the name of this node, depending on its type.
virtual NamedNodeMap* attributes() const
Returns a NamedNodeMap containing the attributes of this node (if it is an Element) or null otherwise.
The returned NamedNodeMap must be released with a call to release() when no longer needed.
virtual unsigned short nodeType() const
Returns a code representing the type of the underlying object.