Ordering Groups

Most times, you do not want to show Doxygen groups in random order or in alphabetic order – there’s always some desired logical sequence. With Doxygen, the only way to circumvent this issue is to place all group documentation into the same file and within it, sort groups manually.

Doxyrest provides a much more elegant approach by (optionally) assigning each group a sorting order value. To use this facility, add the following custom command to you Doxyfile:

ALIASES += "grouporder{1}=\internal :grouporder(\1) \endinternal"

In your C/C++ code, you can now add this extra command to the documentation of your groups:

    \defgroup group_a Group A

    Documentation for group A goes here...


    \defgroup group_b Group B

    Documentation for group B goes here...


    \defgroup group_c Group C

    Documentation for group C goes here...

This will ensure Group A is placed 1st, then Group B, then Group C – no matter the group titles, placement in files or declaration order.

If the above approach is not used, groups will be sorted. By default, they are sorted by their title names. You can also sort groups by their ID-s. To do so, use add this to your doxyrest-config.lua:


If you want to leave groups unsorted, i.e. keep them in the same order as seen in the XML database (which is pretty much random, to begin with), use the following:

SORT_GROUPS_BY = "originalIdx"


If neither grouporder nor SORT_GROUPS_BY is specified, groups will be sorted by title.