struct libusb_bos_descriptor


A structure representing the Binary Device Object Store (BOS) descriptor. More…

#include <libusb.h>

struct libusb_bos_descriptor {
    // fields

    uint8_t bLength;
    uint8_t bDescriptorType;
    uint16_t wTotalLength;
    uint8_t bNumDeviceCaps;
    struct libusb_bos_dev_capability_descriptor* dev_capability[0];

Detailed Documentation

A structure representing the Binary Device Object Store (BOS) descriptor.

This descriptor is documented in section 9.6.2 of the USB 3.0 specification. All multiple-byte fields are represented in host-endian format.


uint8_t bLength

Size of this descriptor (in bytes)

uint8_t bDescriptorType

Descriptor type.

Will have value libusb_descriptor_type::LIBUSB_DT_BOS LIBUSB_DT_BOS in this context.

uint16_t wTotalLength

Length of this descriptor and all of its sub descriptors.

uint8_t bNumDeviceCaps

The number of separate device capability descriptors in the BOS.

struct libusb_bos_dev_capability_descriptor* dev_capability[0]

bNumDeviceCap Device Capability Descriptors