Time & Timers


This section describes types and facilities for date, time and timer management. More…

import "sys_Timer.jnc"

// classes

class sys.Timer;

// global functions

void sys.sleep(uint32_t timeout);
uint64_t sys.getTimestamp();
uint64_t sys.getPreciseTimestamp();

string_t sys.formatTimestamp(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    string_t format

string_t sys.formatTimestamp(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    int timeZone,
    string_t format

Detailed Documentation

This section describes types and facilities for date, time and timer management.

Global Functions

void sys.sleep(uint32_t timeout)

Suspends the execution of the calling thread until timeout interval elapses. timeout is expressed in milliseconds.

uint64_t sys.getTimestamp()

Returns current system timestamp. Timestamp is expressed as a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).

This format is the same as used in Windows FILETIME struct.

Even though nominally this timestamp is expressed as the number of 100-nanosecond intervals, a sub-microsecond precision is not guaranteed. For a guaranteed sub-microsecond precision, use sys.getPreciseTimestamp.

See also:


uint64_t sys.getPreciseTimestamp()

Returns current system high-precision timestamp. Timestamp is expressed as a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).

This format is the same as used in Windows FILETIME struct.

This timestamp is guaranteed to have sub-microsecond precision. If you don’t need sub-microsecond precision, use a slightly faster sys.getTimestamp.

See also:


string_t sys.formatTimestamp(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    string_t format

string_t sys.formatTimestamp(
    uint64_t timestamp,
    int timeZone,
    string_t format

Returns string representation of the timestamp.

Format Specifiers:




hour in 24-hour format (00..24)


hour in 12-hour format (1..12)


minutes (00..59)


seconds (00..59)


milliseconds (0..999)


microseconds (0..999)


AM / PM designition lower case (a / p)


AM / PM designition upper case (A / P)


year, last 2-digit format (0..99)


year, all digits


day of month, leading zero (01..31)


day of month, no leading zero (1..31)


month index, leading zero (01..12)


month index, no leading zero (1..12)


month short name (Jan..Dec)


month full name (January..December)


week day short name (Sun..Sat)


week day full name (Sunday..Saturday)


uint64_t ts = sys.getTimestamp();
print($"time: %1\n"(sys.formatTypestamp(ts, "%h:%m:%s.%l")));

See also:

sys.getTimestamp, sys.getPreciseTimestamp