struct io.PcapDeviceDesc


This struct holds information about the device available for Pcap live capture. More…

import "io_pcap.jncx"

struct PcapDeviceDesc {
    // fields

    io.PcapDeviceDesc const* m_next;
    string_t m_name;
    string_t m_description;
    io.PcapAddress m_address;
    uint_t m_flags;

Detailed Documentation

This struct holds information about the device available for Pcap live capture.

A list of Pcap device descriptions is returned by io.createPcapDeviceDescList.

See also:



io.PcapDeviceDesc const* m_next

Holds a pointer to the next Pcap device description or null if this is the last adapter.

string_t m_name

Holds the Pcap device name; use this name as deviceName argument in io.Pcap.openDevice method.

string_t m_description

Holds a human-readable description of Pcap device.

io.PcapAddress m_address

Holds the head of the list of addresses of this Pcap device. Iterate through the list by instpecting io.PcapAddress.m_next field.

uint_t m_flags

Holds flag options of the Pcap device; currently unused.