struct std.ListEntry


This struct holds information about a single entry of a doubly linked list. More…

import "std_List.jnc"

struct ListEntry {
    // fields

    std.ListEntry cmut* readonly m_next;
    std.ListEntry cmut* readonly m_prev;
    intptr_t readonly m_validator;
    variant_t m_data;

Detailed Documentation

This struct holds information about a single entry of a doubly linked list.

See also:



std.ListEntry cmut* readonly m_next

Holds a pointer to the next list entry on the list or null if this is the last entry.

std.ListEntry cmut* readonly m_prev

Holds a pointer to the previous list entry on the list or null if this is the first entry.

intptr_t readonly m_validator

Opaque field used for internal validation of the list entry. Must be ignored in user code.

variant_t m_data

Holds the actual variant_t data value of the list entry.