class Poco::Net::WebSocket
This class implements a WebSocket according to the WebSocket protocol specification in RFC 6455. More…
#include <WebSocket.h> class WebSocket: public Poco::Net::StreamSocket { public: // enums enum ErrorCodes; enum FrameFlags; enum FrameOpcodes; enum Mode; enum SendFlags; enum StatusCodes; // fields static const std::string WEBSOCKET_VERSION; // construction WebSocket( HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response ); WebSocket( HTTPClientSession& cs, HTTPRequest& request, HTTPResponse& response ); WebSocket( HTTPClientSession& cs, HTTPRequest& request, HTTPResponse& response, HTTPCredentials& credentials ); WebSocket(const Socket& socket); // methods WebSocket& operator=(const Socket& socket); void shutdown(); void shutdown( Poco::UInt16 statusCode, const std::string& statusMessage = "" ); int sendFrame( const void* buffer, int length, int flags = FRAME_TEXT ); int receiveFrame( void* buffer, int length, int& flags ); Mode mode() const; protected: // methods static WebSocketImpl* accept( HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response ); static WebSocketImpl* connect( HTTPClientSession& cs, HTTPRequest& request, HTTPResponse& response, HTTPCredentials& credentials ); static WebSocketImpl* completeHandshake( HTTPClientSession& cs, HTTPResponse& response, const std::string& key ); static std::string computeAccept(const std::string& key); static std::string createKey(); };
Inherited Members
public: // typedefs typedef std::vector<Socket> SocketList; // enums enum SelectMode; // methods Socket& operator=(const Socket& socket); bool operator==(const Socket& socket) const; bool operator!=(const Socket& socket) const; bool operator<(const Socket& socket) const; bool operator<=(const Socket& socket) const; bool operator>(const Socket& socket) const; bool operator>=(const Socket& socket) const; void close(); bool poll( const Poco::Timespan& timeout, int mode ) const; int available() const; void setSendBufferSize(int size); int getSendBufferSize() const; void setReceiveBufferSize(int size); int getReceiveBufferSize() const; void setSendTimeout(const Poco::Timespan& timeout); Poco::Timespan getSendTimeout() const; void setReceiveTimeout(const Poco::Timespan& timeout); Poco::Timespan getReceiveTimeout() const; void setOption( int level, int option, int value ); void setOption( int level, int option, unsigned value ); void setOption( int level, int option, unsigned char value ); void setOption( int level, int option, const Poco::Timespan& value ); void setOption( int level, int option, const IPAddress& value ); void getOption( int level, int option, int& value ) const; void getOption( int level, int option, unsigned& value ) const; void getOption( int level, int option, unsigned char& value ) const; void getOption( int level, int option, Poco::Timespan& value ) const; void getOption( int level, int option, IPAddress& value ) const; void setLinger( bool on, int seconds ); void getLinger( bool& on, int& seconds ) const; void setNoDelay(bool flag); bool getNoDelay() const; void setKeepAlive(bool flag); bool getKeepAlive() const; void setReuseAddress(bool flag); bool getReuseAddress() const; void setReusePort(bool flag); bool getReusePort() const; void setOOBInline(bool flag); bool getOOBInline() const; void setBlocking(bool flag); bool getBlocking() const; SocketAddress address() const; SocketAddress peerAddress() const; SocketImpl* impl() const; bool secure() const; void init(int af); static int select( SocketList& readList, SocketList& writeList, SocketList& exceptList, const Poco::Timespan& timeout ); static bool supportsIPv4(); static bool supportsIPv6(); StreamSocket& operator=(const Socket& socket); void connect(const SocketAddress& address); void connect( const SocketAddress& address, const Poco::Timespan& timeout ); void connectNB(const SocketAddress& address); void shutdownReceive(); void shutdownSend(); void shutdown(); int sendBytes( const void* buffer, int length, int flags = 0 ); int sendBytes(Poco::FIFOBuffer& buffer); int receiveBytes( void* buffer, int length, int flags = 0 ); int receiveBytes(Poco::FIFOBuffer& buffer); void sendUrgent(unsigned char data); protected: // methods poco_socket_t sockfd() const;
Detailed Documentation
This class implements a WebSocket according to the WebSocket protocol specification in RFC 6455.
Both client-side and server-side WebSockets are supported.
Server-side WebSockets are usually created from within a HTTPRequestHandler.
Client-side WebSockets are created using a HTTPClientSession.
Note that special frames like PING must be handled at application level. In the case of a PING, a PONG message must be returned.
WebSocket( HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response )
Creates a server-side WebSocket from within a HTTPRequestHandler.
First verifies that the request is a valid WebSocket upgrade request. If so, completes the handshake by sending a proper 101 response.
Throws an exception if the request is not a proper WebSocket upgrade request.
WebSocket( HTTPClientSession& cs, HTTPRequest& request, HTTPResponse& response )
Creates a client-side WebSocket, using the given HTTPClientSession and HTTPRequest for the initial handshake (HTTP Upgrade request).
Additional HTTP headers for the initial handshake request (such as Origin or Sec-WebSocket-Protocol) can be given in the request object.
The result of the handshake can be obtained from the response object.
WebSocket( HTTPClientSession& cs, HTTPRequest& request, HTTPResponse& response, HTTPCredentials& credentials )
Creates a client-side WebSocket, using the given HTTPClientSession and HTTPRequest for the initial handshake (HTTP Upgrade request).
The given credentials are used for authentication if requested by the server.
Additional HTTP headers for the initial handshake request (such as Origin or Sec-WebSocket-Protocol) can be given in the request object.
The result of the handshake can be obtained from the response object.
WebSocket(const Socket& socket)
Creates a WebSocket from another Socket, which must be a WebSocket, otherwise a Poco::InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.
WebSocket& operator=(const Socket& socket)
Assignment operator.
The other socket must be a WebSocket, otherwise a Poco::InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.
void shutdown()
Sends a Close control frame to the server end of the connection to initiate an orderly shutdown of the connection.
void shutdown( Poco::UInt16 statusCode, const std::string& statusMessage = "" )
Sends a Close control frame to the server end of the connection to initiate an orderly shutdown of the connection.
int sendFrame( const void* buffer, int length, int flags = FRAME_TEXT )
Sends the contents of the given buffer through the socket as a single frame.
Values from the FrameFlags, FrameOpcodes and SendFlags enumerations can be specified in flags.
Returns the number of bytes sent, which may be less than the number of bytes specified.
Certain socket implementations may also return a negative value denoting a certain condition.
int receiveFrame( void* buffer, int length, int& flags )
Receives a frame from the socket and stores it in buffer.
Up to length bytes are received. If the frame’s payload is larger, a WebSocketException is thrown and the WebSocket connection must be terminated.
Returns the number of bytes received. A return value of 0 means that the peer has shut down or closed the connection.
Throws a TimeoutException if a receive timeout has been set and nothing is received within that interval. Throws a NetException (or a subclass) in case of other errors.
The frame flags and opcode (FrameFlags and FrameOpcodes) is stored in flags.
Mode mode() const
Returns WS_SERVER if the WebSocket is a server-side WebSocket, or WS_CLIENT otherwise.