Building on Unix

To build Jancy on Unix based systems, simply run the following in ./build folder:


You might also want to add -j <n> to make use of multiple CPU cores and speed up build process, like:

make -j 4

Note that with make-based build changing configuration from Debug to Release should be done at CMake configuration step (Xcode and Visual Studio are multi-configuration build systems).

After Jancy build is complete you will have Jancy static library files in ./build/jancy/lib/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} directory; command line compiler, dynamic extension libraries, and sample executable binaries can be found in ./build/jancy/bin/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}.


Now let’s test compiled binaries.

Run in ./build folder:

make test

If everything went smooth, you should see something like:

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 123

Congratulations! You have just successfully built Jancy.