Building on Windows

To build Jancy on Windows you can start Visual Studio by double-clicking the newly generated solution file jancy_b.sln and build it from the IDE.

If you prefer building from the command line, run in ./build folder:

cmake --build .

By default, msbuild.exe will build the Debug configuration of the project. To override that and build for Release, use:

cmake --build . --config Release

You can pass extra command-line arguments to msbuild.exe using -- switch. For example, if you want to have a multi-core build of Release configuration, run:

cmake --build . --config Release -- /maxcpucount

Please refer to msbuild documentation for more details on command-line parameters:

After Jancy build is complete you will have Jancy static library files in ./build/jancy/lib/$(Configuration) directory; command line compiler, dynamic extension libraries, and sample executable binaries can be found in ./build/jancy/bin/$(Configuration).


Now let’s test compiled binaries.

If you used Visual Studio IDE to build Jancy, you can run tests from inside the IDE. To do so, right-click on RUN_TESTS pseudo-project in Visual Studio Solution Explorer/Navigator and select Build.

If you prefer using the command line, then run in ./build folder:

ctest -C Debug
ctest -C Release

Another way to run tests on Windows is:

cmake --build . --target RUN_TESTS --config Debug
cmake --build . --target RUN_TESTS --config Release

Obviously, you can only test Debug or Release configuration if you have already built this configuration.

If everything went smooth, you should see something like:

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 123

Congratulations! You have just successfully built Jancy.