struct io.NetworkAdapterAddress


This struct holds information about single address of the network adapter. More…

import "io_base.jncx"
import "io_NetworkAdapter.jnc"

struct NetworkAdapterAddress {
    // fields

    io.NetworkAdapterAddress const* m_next;
    io.SocketAddress m_address;
    size_t m_netMaskBitCount;

Detailed Documentation

This struct holds information about single address of the network adapter.

A list of network adapter addresses is part of network adapter description stored in io.NetworkAdapterDesc.

See also:

io.NetworkAdapterDesc, io.enumerateNetworkAdapters


io.NetworkAdapterAddress const* m_next

Holds a pointer to the next newtwork adatper address or null if this is the last address.

io.SocketAddress m_address

Holds address of the network adapter as io.SocketAddress. m_port field of the address should obviously be ignored.

size_t m_netMaskBitCount

The length, in bits, of the prefix or network part of the IP address. For a unicast IPv4 address, any value greater than 32 is an illegal value. For a unicast IPv6 address, any value greater than 128 is an illegal value.