struct io.NetworkAdapterDesc


This struct holds information about the network adapter. More…

import "io_base.jncx"
import "io_NetworkAdapter.jnc"

struct NetworkAdapterDesc {
    // fields

    io.NetworkAdapterDesc const* m_next;
    string_t m_name;
    string_t m_description;
    io.NetworkAdapterType m_type;
    io.NetworkAdapterFlags m_flags;
    uint8_t m_macAddress[];
    io.NetworkAdapterAddress const* m_address;
    size_t m_addressCount;

Detailed Documentation

This struct holds information about the network adapter.

A list of network adapter descriptions is returned by io.enumerateNetworkAdapters.

See also:



io.NetworkAdapterDesc const* m_next

Holds a pointer to the next nextwork adapter description or null if this is the last adapter.

string_t m_name

Holds the permanent device name of the network adapter.

string_t m_description

Holds a human-readable description of the network adapter.

io.NetworkAdapterType m_type

Holds the type the network adapter. For a complete list of types refer to io.NetworkAdapterType enumeration.

io.NetworkAdapterFlags m_flags

Holds the flag optins of the network adapter. For a complete list of flag options refer to io.NetworkAdapterFlags enumeration.

uint8_t m_macAddress[]

Holds the hardware Media Access Control (MAC) address of the network adapter.

io.NetworkAdapterAddress const* m_address

Holds a pointer to the head of the list of addresses assigned to this network adapter. Iterate through the list by instpecting io.NetworkAdapterAddress.m_next field.

size_t m_addressCount

Holds the total number of addresses on the list pointed to by m_addresses field.