Simple Declarations

Syntax of declarations in Jancy is common for all the C-family languages and can be expressed with the following formula: specifier(s)-declarator(s).

int a;

In example above int is a type specifier and a is a declarator. This declaration creates a new integer variable (or field) named a – just like you would expect in C-world. Unlike C/C++ language though, any uninitialized variable in Jancy is zero-initialized, so a will be holding zero.

Declaring functions in Jancy is also similar to any C-family language:

void foo(
    int a,
    double b
) {
    // ...

This defines a function which return no value and takes two arguments of types int and double – again, nothing unexpected here.

It’s important to say a couple of words on arrays, however. In Java, C#, D and other modern languages arrays are dynamically-sized; in C/C++ compiler-generated arrays are fixed-sized while dynamically-sized arrays are implemented as classes. Since being able to copy-paste C/C++ declarations of network protocol headers was crucial, Jancy adopts C/C++ model:

int a[10][20];

This declares a two-dimensional array of integers (10 rows and 20 columns) named a. Now let’s proceed to something more complex.