
Jancy encloses all the case blocks in switch statements into implicitly created scopes. This means you are free to create and use local variables in switch statements:

void foo(int x) {
    switch (x) {
    case 0:
        int i = 10;

    case 1:
        int i = 20; // no problem: we are in different scope

    case 2:
        int i = 30; // no problem even when we fall-through from previous case label

        int i = 40; // still ok. you've got the idea

Multi-level breaks can be applied to switch statement as well. In example below break2 is used to break out of the switch statment and then out of the outer loop:

for (;;) {
    Request request = getNextRequest();
    switch (request) {
    case Request.Terminate:
        break2; // out of the loop

    case Request.Open:
        // ...

    case Request.Connect:
        // ...

    // ...