Extension Namespaces

Jancy offers a way to extend the functionality of existing classes with extension namespaces. An extension namespace declares additional methods which have access to all the members of the class that they extend. There are certain limitations imposed on the extension methods. These ensure that if your code runs without extension namespaces, then it runs exactly the same with the introduction of any extension namespace(s):

class C1 {
    protected int m_x;

    construct(int x) {
        printf("C1.construct(%d)\n", x);
        m_x = x;

    void foo() {
        printf("C1.foo() { m_x = %d }\n", m_x);

extension ExtC1: C1 {
    void bar() {
        // extension method has access to protected data
        printf("C1 (extend).bar() { m_x = %d }\n", m_x);

    static void baz() {
        printf("C1 (extend).baz()\n");

    // constructors cannot be part of extension namespace
    construct(double x); // error

    // operator methods cannot be part of extension namespace
    int operator += (int x); // error

    // virtual methods cannot be part of extension namespace
    virtual baz(); // error

// entry point

int main() {
    C1 c (100);
    c.bar();  // bar() is extension method
    C1.baz(); // baz() is static extension method
    return 0;