
As a language with pointers, Jancy fully implements the paradigm of const-correctness. The core idea behind const-correcness is to specifically mark pointers that cannot be used to modify the target object.

Admittedly, const-correctness generally makes it harder to design interfaces and APIs in general as it becomes yet another item for the developer to worry about. At the same time const-correctness greatly improves both the overall type-safety of the language and its ability to self-document.

As in C++, use the const modifier to define a const-pointer.

struct Point {
    int m_x;
    int m_y;

void transpose(
    Point* dst,
    Point const* src // we can be sure 'src' is not going to change
) {
    int x = src.m_x; // so it works even when dst and src point to the same location
    dst.m_x = src.m_y;
    dst.m_y = x;

    // src.m_x = 0; // error: cannot store into const location

All non-static methods implicitly accept an extra this argument, so it is necessary to be able to specify whether this is const or not – if yes, then such a method is called a const method.

Certain fields can be modified even from const methods (for example, various kinds of cache fields) – these are mutable fields.

The syntax for declaring const methods and mutable fields has also been borrowed from C++:

void class C1 {
    int m_field;
    mutable int m_mutableField;

    void foo() const {
        // ...

    void bar(int x) {
        // ...

void baz(C1 const* p) {;               // ok, const method
    p.m_mutableField = 100; // ok, mutable field

    p.m_field = 200; // error: cannot store to const location;     // error: cannot convert 'C1 const*' to 'C1*'