Data Pointers

Do we even need data pointers? In C/C++ world that’s not much of a question: using pointers is the one and only way of working with dynamic memory. What about the managed world, do we need data pointers there?

Most managed language designers believe that the answer is NO. This is largely because data pointers fall into the disadvantageous area on the risk/reward chart for most programming tasks. There is, however, one programming area where the use of data pointers truly shines: working with binary data.

Here is an example. Try to write Java code that deconstructs a TCP/IP packet. Compare the resulting mess of fixed index array references and word types assembled from bytes to the clean and efficient code in C that will superimpose protocol header structs on the buffer data, then direct access struct fields abd traverse the packet using pointer arithmetic!

Since Jancy was conceived as the scripting language for our [IO Ninja](/ioninja/) software, living without pointers was out of the question. Instead, we made data pointers safe. Safe data pointers and safe pointer arithmetic are among the biggest innovations of Jancy.

Jancy pointers are fat by default and indirectlty contain information about the allowed range. Access to data via a pointer that failed the range check is not allowed:

void foo(size_t i) {
    int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 };

    int* p = a;
    p += i;
    *p = 40;    // <-- error: out-of-bounds
    a[i] = 40; // <-- error: out-of-bounds

void bar() {

Range is checked on both array accesses and pointer dereferences.

Unfortunately, range checks are not enough, there are other pointer-related issues. But the good thing is, these are covered, too.

Dangling pointers are impossible in Jancy. First of all, Jancy uses garbage collection (GC) as a memory management mechanism, and with GC memory block gets freed only when there are no more pointers referencing it.

What about locals, you might ask? Any local taken “fat” address of, is being lifted to GC heap.

int* foo() {
    int a = 10;
    // ...

    return &a; // <-- no problem

There are no uninitialzed pointers, either – Jancy compiler zeros every variable before any user code can touch it.

There is also a danger of corrupting or replacing the information used for validation, and below you can observe a couple of ways of doing so. Well, Jancy prevents that, too – either at compile time, or at run time.

struct PodParent {
    int m_a;

struct NonPodChild: PodParent {
    char const* m_s;

union IllegalUnion {
    intptr_t m_a[2];
    void* m_p; // <-- error

void upcast(NonPodChild* b) {
    PodParent* a = b;

void reinterpretCast(PodParent* a, NonPodChild* b) {
    char* p = (char*) a;  // <-- OK
    char* p2 = (char*) b; // <-- error
    char const* p3 = (char const*) b; // <-- OK

void downcast(PodParent* a) {
    NonPodChild* c = (NonPodChild*) a; // <-- error
    NonPodChild const* c = (NonPodChild const*) a; // <-- error
    NonPodChild* c = dynamic (NonPodChild*) a; // OK

Besides the normal (fat) data pointer with validators Jancy also supports thin data pointers, which only hold the target address. This might be useful when writing performance-critical code, or for interoperability with the external C libraries. thin pointers are not safe, obviously – they simply lack the information which can be used for safety checks.