class Poco::Net::MailMessage
This class represents an e-mail message for use with the SMTPClientSession and POPClientSession classes. More…
#include <MailMessage.h> class MailMessage: public Poco::Net::MessageHeader { public: // typedefs typedef std::vector<MailRecipient> Recipients; typedef std::vector<Part> PartVec; // enums enum ContentDisposition; enum ContentTransferEncoding; // structs struct Part; // fields static const std::string HEADER_SUBJECT; static const std::string HEADER_FROM; static const std::string HEADER_TO; static const std::string HEADER_CC; static const std::string HEADER_BCC; static const std::string HEADER_DATE; static const std::string HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE; static const std::string HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING; static const std::string HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION; static const std::string HEADER_CONTENT_ID; static const std::string HEADER_MIME_VERSION; static const std::string EMPTY_HEADER; static const std::string TEXT_PLAIN; static const std::string CTE_7BIT; static const std::string CTE_8BIT; static const std::string CTE_QUOTED_PRINTABLE; static const std::string CTE_BASE64; // construction MailMessage(PartStoreFactory* pStoreFactory = 0); // methods void addRecipient(const MailRecipient& recipient); void setRecipients(const Recipients& recipient); const Recipients& recipients() const; void setSubject(const std::string& subject); const std::string& getSubject() const; void setSender(const std::string& sender); const std::string& getSender() const; void setContent( const std::string& content, ContentTransferEncoding encoding = ENCODING_QUOTED_PRINTABLE ); const std::string& getContent() const; void setContentType(const std::string& mediaType); void setContentType(const MediaType& mediaType); const std::string& getContentType() const; void setDate(const Poco::Timestamp& dateTime); Poco::Timestamp getDate() const; bool isMultipart() const; void addPart( const std::string& name, PartSource* pSource, ContentDisposition disposition, ContentTransferEncoding encoding ); void addContent( PartSource* pSource, ContentTransferEncoding encoding = ENCODING_QUOTED_PRINTABLE ); void addAttachment( const std::string& name, PartSource* pSource, ContentTransferEncoding encoding = ENCODING_BASE64 ); PartSource* createPartStore( const std::string& content, const std::string& mediaType, const std::string& filename = "" ); const PartVec& parts() const; void read( std::istream& istr, PartHandler& handler ); virtual void read(std::istream& istr); virtual void write(std::ostream& ostr) const; static std::string encodeWord( const std::string& text, const std::string& charset = "UTF-8" ); protected: // methods void makeMultipart(); void writeHeader( const MessageHeader& header, std::ostream& ostr ) const; void writeMultipart( MessageHeader& header, std::ostream& ostr ) const; void writePart( MultipartWriter& writer, const Part& part ) const; void writeEncoded( std::istream& istr, std::ostream& ostr, ContentTransferEncoding encoding ) const; void setRecipientHeaders(MessageHeader& headers) const; void readHeader(std::istream& istr); void readMultipart( std::istream& istr, PartHandler& handler ); void readPart( std::istream& istr, const MessageHeader& header, PartHandler& handler ); void handlePart( std::istream& istr, const MessageHeader& header, PartHandler& handler ); static const std::string& contentTransferEncodingToString(ContentTransferEncoding encoding); static int lineLength(const std::string& str); static void appendRecipient( const MailRecipient& recipient, std::string& str ); };
Inherited Members
public: // typedefs typedef Poco::ListMap<std::string, std::string> HeaderMap; typedef HeaderMap::Iterator Iterator; typedef HeaderMap::ConstIterator ConstIterator; // methods NameValueCollection& operator=(const NameValueCollection& nvc); void swap(NameValueCollection& nvc); const std::string& operator[](const std::string& name) const; void set( const std::string& name, const std::string& value ); void add( const std::string& name, const std::string& value ); const std::string& get(const std::string& name) const; const std::string& get( const std::string& name, const std::string& defaultValue ) const; bool has(const std::string& name) const; ConstIterator find(const std::string& name) const; ConstIterator begin() const; ConstIterator end() const; bool empty() const; std::size_t size() const; void erase(const std::string& name); void clear(); MessageHeader& operator=(const MessageHeader& messageHeader); virtual void write(std::ostream& ostr) const; virtual void read(std::istream& istr); int getFieldLimit() const; void setFieldLimit(int limit); bool hasToken( const std::string& fieldName, const std::string& token ) const; static void splitElements( const std::string& s, std::vector<std::string>& elements, bool ignoreEmpty = true ); static void splitParameters( const std::string& s, std::string& value, NameValueCollection& parameters ); static void splitParameters( const std::string::const_iterator& begin, const std::string::const_iterator& end, NameValueCollection& parameters ); static void quote( const std::string& value, std::string& result, bool allowSpace = false );
Detailed Documentation
This class represents an e-mail message for use with the SMTPClientSession and POPClientSession classes.
MailMessage supports both old-style plain text messages, as well as MIME multipart mail messages with attachments.
For multi-part messages, the following content transfer encodings are supported: 7bit, 8bit, quoted-printable and base64.
MailMessage(PartStoreFactory* pStoreFactory = 0)
Creates an empty MailMessage.
If pStoreFactory is not null, message attachments will be handled by the object created by the factory. Most common reason is to temporarily save attachments to the file system in order to avoid potential memory exhaustion when attachment files are very large.
void addRecipient(const MailRecipient& recipient)
Adds a recipient for the message.
void setRecipients(const Recipients& recipient)
Clears existing and sets new recipient list for the message.
const Recipients& recipients() const
Returns the recipients of the message.
void setSubject(const std::string& subject)
Sets the subject of the message.
The subject must not contain any non-ASCII characters. To include non-ASCII characters in the subject, use RFC 2047 word encoding (see encodeWord()).
const std::string& getSubject() const
Returns the subject of the message.
void setSender(const std::string& sender)
Sets the sender of the message (which ends up in the From header field).
The sender must either be a valid email address, or a real name followed by an email address enclosed in < and >.
The sender must not contain any non-ASCII characters. To include non-ASCII characters in the sender, use RFC 2047 word encoding (see encodeWord()).
const std::string& getSender() const
Returns the sender of the message (taken from the From header field).
void setContent( const std::string& content, ContentTransferEncoding encoding = ENCODING_QUOTED_PRINTABLE )
Sets the content of the mail message.
If the content transfer encoding is ENCODING_7BIT or ENCODING_8BIT, the content string must be formatted according to the rules of an internet email message.
The message will be sent as a single-part message.
Note that single CR or LF characters as line delimiters must not be used. Content lines always should be terminated with a proper CRLF sequence.
const std::string& getContent() const
Returns the content of the mail message.
A content will only be returned for single-part messages. The content of multi-part mail messages will be reported through the registered PartHandler.
void setContentType(const std::string& mediaType)
Sets the content type for the message.
void setContentType(const MediaType& mediaType)
Sets the content type for the message.
const std::string& getContentType() const
Returns the content type for the message.
void setDate(const Poco::Timestamp& dateTime)
Sets the Date header to the given date/time value.
Poco::Timestamp getDate() const
Returns the value of the Date header.
bool isMultipart() const
Returns true iff the message is a multipart message.
const PartVec& parts() const
Returns const reference to the vector containing part stores.
void read( std::istream& istr, PartHandler& handler )
Reads the MailMessage from the given input stream.
If the message has multiple parts, the parts are reported to the PartHandler. If the message is not a multi-part message, the content is stored in a string available by calling getContent().
virtual void read(std::istream& istr)
Reads the MailMessage from the given input stream.
The raw message (including all MIME parts) is stored in a string and available by calling getContent().
virtual void write(std::ostream& ostr) const
Writes the mail message to the given output stream.
static std::string encodeWord( const std::string& text, const std::string& charset = "UTF-8" )
If the given string contains non-ASCII characters, encodes the given string using RFC 2047 “Q” word encoding.
The given text must already be encoded in the character set given in charset (default is UTF-8).
Returns the encoded string, or the original string if it consists only of ASCII characters.